The Humble Beginnings Of Stand Up Paddle

. Paddle boarding as we know it today, is steeped in history and heritage. The watermen of Hawaii are perhaps the most well known advocates, however – the humble stand up paddle board was actually first recorded thousands of years ago and has global notoriety. The Ancient Early Adopters Many many thousands of years ago,…

The power of blue

The Power Of Blue

. The Power Of Blue  Mallorca SUP Company is dedicating the month of January to mental health awareness and the healing power of water. Not just our seas and oceans, but also lakes, rivers, streams, fountains in city parks – even the impact of simply taking a shower or a bath!! Having been through a…

Protect The Things You Love

Protect The Things You Love

    The oceans, seas and waterways around the world inspire creativity, passion and a deep connection with nature.  When I am asked why I love the ocean so much, this is what I tell people .. The Big Blue has been my constant for 44 years, My happy place is in, on or under the water,…